Postpartum Doula services
Your support is tailored to you and based on what you feel is the most priority for you, can optimize your healing, and prioritizes the bonding with your new baby
What will your support look like?
Herbal healing for womb toning and wound healing. Preparing custom teas, yoni steams, salves, and tinctures to assist in your healing postpartum
Lactation support (teas for milk supply, lactation drinks, basic assistance around latching and any common problems such as clogged milk ducts or nipple chafing)
Meal preparation (cost of food will have to be covered by you)
Sibling child care/newborn assistance (including overnight)
Light housekeeping
Education on self care: Care for incision site, belly binding, breast care, perineal tear etc)
Overnight care for your newborn so that you can get more sleep, have time for your postpartum healing, and maintain your mental health as a parent.
Meal prep
Preparation of your meals are included in the hourly package that you choose. Payment of groceries is your responsibility but I will prepare the groceries myself during my time with you. Shopping can be done on your behalf as well per request.
Because this is time consuming, know that you may have to swap hours of direct support depending on how much food you want for you and your family.
I can honor any dietary restrictions you may have and create meals that are high in protein and nutrient dense to further promote your postpartum healing.
Meals for your children can be separate from what you eat if you have picky eaters :-)
Pricing Layout of Your Program
Postpartum support is an hourly service. Minimum of 9 hours a week is required. The maximum is 30 hours a week. If more hours are needed possible arrangements can be made!
No less than a 4 week contract. Maximum is 6 weeks.
$60/hr (daytime) min to max range: $540-$1200
$80/hr (overnight) min to max range: $720-$1600
4 weeks at minimum daytime: $2,160
4 weeks at minimum overnight: $2,880
4 weeks at maximum daytime: $4,800
4 weeks at maximum overnight: $6,400