What is yoni steaming?
Yoni steaming is a practice where a woman sits over water that has been boiled with various herbs. The steam contains the oils from the herbs which in turn carries healing properties. Once the water is at a safe and comfortable temperature a woman can sit over it and begin the healing process of the yoni. Yoni is the sanskrit word for womb and/or vagina. Herbs that are typically used but are not limited to: Rosemary, lavender, yarrow flower, peppermint, sage, and more. Each plant has different properties so they can be used for a variety of different needs.
Why use it?
Yoni steaming can be used for a variety of ways including regulating and soothing symptoms of the menstrual cycle and regular day to day needs. Such as but not limited to:
- Heavy bleeding
- Dysmenorrhea (cramps)
- Irregularity
- Amenorrhea (lack of periods)
- Unhealthy or unpleasant odor
- Vaginal dryness
- Menopause
- Pain associated with sex
It can also be used for any issues dealing with the womb and the vagina. the anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties of certain herbs can help in the treatment of
- Herpes
- Urinary tract infections
- Yeast infections
- Bacterial vaginosis
- Other STDs (gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.)
- Ovarian Cysts
- Uterine fibroids, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse
- Endometriosis
It can assist women who plan on having or had a baby with:
- Vaginal tears
- C-section scar
- Episiotomy
- Increasing fertility
- Healing and toning the reproductive system
Lastly, even if you do not identify with any of the factors above it can be used for healing the womb spiritually by:
- Releasing stored unhealthy toxins and energies from the womb
- Cultivating creative energy
- Restoring and enhancing positive energy
- Releasing energy that no longer serves you
- Letting go of negative emotions tied to the womb
- Reducing stress and anxiety
- Cleansing, purifying, and stimulating the womb
How do I do it?
Yoni steams can be done in the comfort of your own home. Some women purchase steam seats which, can be a little pricey. However you can do this in the comfort of your own bathroom. Here's how,
- Use any pot to boil about a quart of water
- Once water is boiling, take about a cup (8 oz) of your Yoni Steam Herbs and place them into a tea infuser or a strainer that is metal.
- Submerge tin or strainer into boiling water for about 15 minutes.
- While the herbs are being boiled, take this time to clean in and around your toilet. You do not want the energy/waste from using the bathroom getting into the steam or your yoni. Grab a big enough blanket that can wrap around your body and cover the floor for later.
- Once toilet is clean, go back into your kitchen and take out herbs steeped into pot. Throw them away or put them into a compost.
- Next, pour the hot water into a separate bowl or pot that is heat resistant and can fit inside your toilet without tipping over or submerging into the water of the toilet.
- Go to your bathroom and place pot or bowl into toilet.
- Test the heat of the water by using your elbow, your hand cannot give an accurate testing of how hot the water is.
- Once you feel as though the temperature is comfortable and safe, remove the clothes on your lower body and have a seat.
- Take the blanket and place over lap and around waist. Yoni is still exposed. The steam is supposed to stay underneath the yoni and inside the toilet, so make sure the blanket is covering the area and floor around the toilet.
- Sit over steam for about 10 to 30 minutes. No pain should occur but if it does the water is too hot. Stand up and give the water time to cool down. Labia will swell, this is normal. Swelling will go down.
When Should i do it?
Yoni steams can be done whenever you feel the need to release negative energy or having problems pertaining to the yoni. It is not something that needs to be done everyday, just use it when you feel the need to take time for yourself and partake in self care. To keep your herbs fresh, store them in a cool, dry place, preferably in air tight container such as a mason jar. Herbs can be frozen and used for later if necessary.
When should I not do it?
If using an IUD or on your menstrual cycle it is not recommended to do a yoni steam. Your menstrual cycle is the time where your body is getting rid of toxins a steam would recycle those toxins back into the body. Do not conduct a steam if pregnant, certain herbs can cause harm to your baby or cause you to miscarry.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I'd love to hear your feedback. Happy steaming!